About See Us, Support Us
See Us, Support Us (SUSU) raises awareness about and increases support for children of incarcerated parents. SUSU is a year-round effort with national partners, culminating in a month of action in October. Sign up for SUSU Network emails to receive quarterly updates about how you can SEE and SUPPORT children year-round.
Join the SUSU 2025
Planning Committee Today!
The SUSU planning committee meets virtually for one hour, monthly between March and September to identify themes, develop messaging, and plan events for SUSU month in October. We welcome people with lived experience, service providers for children of incarcerated parents and/or their parents, and allies. Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining the See Us, Support Us 2025 planning committee.
Engage in See Us, Support Us

Why is the arrest experience so harsh that a child has to believe it was imaginary sometimes in order to get through it and its aftermath. The pain and outrage I feel is why I want to advocate for child-sensitive arrest protocols, data collection, and training.

I didn’t wanna forget him ever… he was my dad. And what if I never get a chance to visit him again...So just in case, I sat there taking pictures in my mind and storing them in this little section I have where all the thoughts about him were.

For many system-impacted children, education can be the lifeline that helps them succeed in the face of parental incarceration. It can give purpose, belonging and self-esteem. Though it took me a while, education was my lifeline too.